Corpus BG / MG / LTG / GEN / 77 Maps
BG / Victoire décisive sur les 77 Maps
BG / Decisive victory on the 77 Maps
MG / Victoire avec le camp Axe et le camp Allié sur les 77 Maps
MG / Victory on the 77 Maps with both sides, Allies and Axis
LTG / Victoire totale sur les 77 Maps
LTG / Total victory on the 77 Maps
GEN / Victoire totale sur les 77 Maps avec un différentiel de 4 ou plus sur l’ensemble des 2 Batailles
GEN / Total victory on the 77 Maps with a minimum score difference of 4 on all two-game battles
West / 35
West / Officiel / 26
Arnhem Bridge
Bastogne Corridor East
Bastogne Corridor West
Battle for Hill 178
Bretel Wood
Counter-Attack at Arras
Counter-Attack on Mortain
First Assault Wave
Forêt d’Ecouves
Gold Beach
Juno Beach
Liberation of Paris
Mont Mouchet
Moyland Wood
Operation Cobra
Operation Goodwood
Sainte-Mère l’Eglise
Saverne Gap
Sword Beach
Twin Villages
Vaumicel Manor
West / COOL 2015 / 6
Corsica Teghime Pass
Bréville Action 1
Bréville Action 2
Moulin du Buisson
Landing at Oléron
Le Combat de Tretten
West / FFM44 / 3
Battle of Tilly-sur-Seulles
Battle of the Bridgehead
East / 15
East / Officiel / 9
Battle of Kalatch
Battle of Warsaw
Breakout to Lisyanka
Gates of Moscou
Red Barricades Factory
East / COOL 2015 / 2
Defense of the Winter Linie
Bautzen Street Fighting
East / FFM44 / 4
Battle of Tiganca
Landing in Kertch
Serafimovitch Salient
Pacific / 13
Pacific / Officiel / 8
Bloody Ridge
Guam Landings
Japanese Counterattack
Matanikau River
Slopes of Mount Austen
Sugar Loaf and Half Moon
The Meat Grinder
Wake Island
Pacific / COOL 2015 / 2
Bataille du lac Khaasan – Acte 1
Kokoda Trail – Act 2
Pacific / FFM44 / 3
Battle of Piva Forks
The Battle of Hong Kong
The Fall of the Rock
Mediterranean / 14
Mediterranean / Officiel / 9
Dug in at Sidi Omar
Escape via the Coastal Road
Hellfire Pass
Into the Cauldron
Mignano Monte Lungo
Panzers verus Grants
Mediterrainean / COOL 2015 / 1
Magliana’s Bridge
Mediterrainean / FFM44 / 4
Alpha Yellow
Attack on Tobruk
Battle of Bir Temrad
Pô Valley
Corpus GA / 103 Maps
GA / Victoire sur les 103 Maps avec un différentiel de 2 ou plus par Bataille
GA / Victory on the 103 Maps with a minimum score difference of 2 per battle
West / 43
West / Officiel / 31
Arnhem Bridge
Bastogne Corridor East
Bastogne Corridor West
Battle for Hill 178
Bretel Wood
Carentan Causeway
Counter-Attack at Arras
Counter-Attack on Mortain
First Assault Wave
Forêt d’Ecouves
Gold Beach
Juno Beach
Liberation of Paris
Mont Mouchet
Moyland Wood
Operation Cobra
Operation Goodwood
Operation Spring
Pegasus Bridge
Pointe du Hoc
Sainte-Mère l’Eglise
Saverne Gap
Sword Beach
Twin Villages
Utah Beach
Vaumicel Manor
West / COOL 2015 / 7
Corsica Teghime Pass
Bréville Action 1
Bréville Action 2
Moulin du Buisson
Landing at Oléron
Le Combat de Tretten
West / FFM44 / 5
Baraque de Fraiture
Battle of Tilly-sur-Seulles
Battle of the Bridgehead
Counter-Attack at Carentan
East / 19
East / Officiel / 11
Battle of Kalatch
Battle of Warsaw
Breakout at Klin
Breakout to Lisyanka
Gates of Moscou
Russian Breakout
Red Barricades Factory
East / COOL 2015 / 2
Defense of the Winter Linie
Bautzen Street Fighting
East / FFM44 / 6
Battle of Tiganca
Landing in Kertch
Serafimovitch Salient
Attack of Hill 448
Battle of State Farm 79
Pacific / 18
Pacific / Officiel / 10
Bloody Ridge
Clearing Matanikau River
Guam Landings
Japanese Counterattack
Matanikau River
Slopes of Mount Austen
Sugar Loaf and Half Moon
The Meat Grinder
Wake Island
Pacific / COOL 2015 / 2
Bataille du lac Khaasan – Acte 1
Kokoda Trail – Act 2
Pacific / FFM44 / 6
Battle of Guam
Battle of Piva Forks
Biak Airfields Trap
Landing at Kota Bharu
The Battle of Hong Kong
The Fall of the Rock
Mediterranean / 23
Mediterranean / Officiel / 14
1st Armoured to rescue
Dug in at Sidi Omar
Escape via the Coastal Road
Flanking Maneuver at Bir Hakeim
Gallabat & Metemma
Hellfire Pass
Into the Cauldron
Mignano Monte Lungo
Panzers verus Grants
Sidi Rezegh Airfield
Mediterrainean / COOL 2015 / 1
Magliana’s Bridge
Mediterrainean / FFM44 / 8
Alpha Yellow
Attack on Tobruk
Battle of Bir Temrad
Battle of Termoli – Action 1
Got El Ualeb
Pô Valley
Raid on Oudna Airfield
The Salerno Landings
Calculator / Créé par Deepnet pour vérifier son parcours
Calculator / Created by Deepnet to check his or her course.
Entrez votre ID d'officier, le grade que vous souhaitez vérifier et la date à partir de laquelle vous souhaitez vérifier. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à cliquer et vous reporter au 2ème ou 3ème tableau.
Enter your officer ID, the rank you want to check and the starting date of your quest. All you have to do now is to click and referring to the 2nd or the 3rd table.